The price is inclusive of the full dinner and beverage pairings.
This price is before sales tax, which is 10.3% in Tacoma.
We charge a 20% service charge in lieu of the traditional tip. This service charge assists us in paying our staff a consistent, thriving wage, as well as company benefits that contribute to a healthy life-work balance.
This event is non-refundable due to our very small space and planning purposes, BUT you may transfer them to some buddies if you are unable to attend at the last minute.
Just shoot us a message and let us know who the lucky ones are!
We're pretty good at many allergy accommodations. Please get in touch with us BEFORE purchasing tickets and we'll let you know if there is anything we can easily omit from a specific dish.
We'll also say, these dinners are A LOT of food, so if there's one dish that doesn't fit your vibe or diet, you will still be plenty fed.
The menu is set as-is and we are unable to make any large substitutions due to our size in staff and space.